
Emmerdale’s Cain snaps and confronts abusive Tom over his treatment of Belle

Cain in the village and Tom shouting at Belle in Emmerdale
Tom better watch his back (Pictures: ITV)

As Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper)’s life has been gradually turned into a living hell by her cruel, abusive husband Tom King (James Chase) in Emmerdale, viewers are clamouring for someone – anyone – to work out what’s going on and intervene to help Belle.

Tom has systematically destroyed Belle’s confidence in her work, her sense of security in her own home, and the control she has over her own mental health and the medication she takes for it.

He’s isolated her from her family and friends, interfering in her friendship with Vinny Dingle (Bradley Johnson) and telling Sam (James Hooton) and Lydia (Karen Blick) to give her space when she came back from the mental health assessment unit.

They’re so convinced by Tom’s outward appearance of being kind and caring towards Belle that they promised to check in with him first before they popped round in future.

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