Tyler Perry’s Sistas | Tamera’s Smart Mouth Cost Hayden Dearly
I told her to go to hell.
What? Are you out of your damn mind? What is wrong with you? What are you doing in my house? Watch your mouth!
Okay, so there isn’t much to say here. Hayden got whooped—plain and simple. Say what you want, but I feel bad for the guy. He didn’t deserve that.
Look, I know he has done a lot of questionable things throughout the series, and people are quick to say he had it coming. Oh well, he did sleep with Marie, but whatever. The man just got home from work, only to find his lady with a bloody nose. Naturally, he freaks out and asks what happened. She explains the situation, and he’s still in shock. Then, Tamara casually says, “I told Fatima and her cousin to go to hell.”
What did Hayden do?
Oh, he knew right away—”You shouldn’t have done that.” He remembers. He knows what happened last time. Fatima doesn’t scare him, nor does her so-called “gangster” cousin. But let’s be real, he remembers the beatdown he got at the end of season four. Or wait—was it season three? No, it couldn’t have been. Maybe it was… I forgot. These seasons start to blend together sometimes. But yeah, when he got whooped in the parking garage, and Fatima had those brass knuckles—brutal.
Then, last season, she straight-up threatened him: “If you do anything to mess up Andy’s chance of being partner, I’m going to bust your kneecaps.”
Fast forward to now. The moment he says, “You shouldn’t have done that,” BOOM—the door gets kicked in. Two ski-masked guys beat him down. Then, the big dude walks in and pistol-whips him. Twice. As they walk out, they leave him with one last warning: “Watch your mouth.”
Some people are asking, “Why did Hayden get the worst of it?” Some even speculate that these guys weren’t Madam’s people. I think they were. Someone mentioned a specific name for this group, but since I don’t watch All the Queen’s Men, I’m not sure.
But here’s the thing—the last words, “Watch your mouth,” were a clear sign. This was a crew sent by Madam to teach Tamara a lesson. Unfortunately, Hayden took the fall for her mistake.
What did they do to Tamara? Not much—just grabbed her and shoved her down. Nothing major. Kind of like what Gary’s security guard did to Fatima at the end of last season. But Hayden? He got the SpongeBob treatment—beaten so badly he looked like he had “ripped his pants.”
Did they have to do him like that? No. But it happened.
Honestly, Hayden got whooped for nothing. He didn’t even do anything this time! It’s seriously messed up. Then again, maybe the writers just threw this in for the season finale—like, “Hey, people always talk about Madam’s power, so let’s give them something to remember.”
I do like that they tied things together, though. A lot of fans probably forgot that Fatima hired Tamara through her cousin, Madam. She asked for the biggest and most successful gold digger in Madam’s employment, and that’s exactly what she got. Tamara, however, forgot who she was working for and where her loyalties should lie.
She screwed up big time. And unfortunately, Hayden paid the price.
What do you think about this ending? Let me know in the comments below.
Honestly, I feel bad for Hayden. I know a lot of people don’t, but I do. This was just messed up. If he had actually done something to deserve it, then maybe I’d get it. But now? Nah.
And let’s not forget—he’s probably going to show up to work looking like he got hit by a truck. Again. Remember when he got jumped before? He was on crutches, in a neck brace, and had a black eye for two whole seasons! We don’t need to go through that again.
Even worse?
Dang, I sound sympathetic, but in this case, I kinda am. This was like the season seven finale all over again—dude just kept taking Ls. Yeah, I remember how he treated Fatima at the start of the season. That was foul. Slamming a pile of books and files on her salad while she was eating? Messed up. But this? This was unwarranted.
Now, he’ll show up to work, beaten and battered, only to find out that Andy got her position back. And as if that weren’t bad enough, he’ll realize Marie didn’t get the power of attorney revoked. So he had sex with her for nothing.
This man should’ve just packed his bags and left Atlanta. He really should’ve.
Alright, that’s all for now. Let me know what you think in the comments.
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