Dᴇᴀᴛʜ in Paradise teases Selwyn’s replacement after more bad news for commissioner
"Has Selwyn told you about what's happening?"
Oh, Selwyn.
In the latest episode of Dᴇᴀᴛʜ in Paradise, the soon-to-be-ex-commissioner’s hopes of keeping his job were firmly extinguished when the petition to save his role, launched by Catherine and Sebastian, failed to changed his boss’s mind.
“I feel like an idiot,” sighed Catherine.
But after initially berating her efforts to save him from being put out to pasture – “How many times do I have to say it? This will be embarrassing for both of us” – he later thanked her for all that she’d done.
“It was a valiant effort, one which I’m grateful for,” he said, before once again asking her to let the situation lie.
“That ship has very much sailed and I need to accept it, as do you,” he added.
Selwyn also apologised to his team for being “narky” after being told his time on the force was drawing to a close, and thanked them for their efforts.
And with Selwyn set to leave office in less than a week, the powers that be have selected his replacement.
“Has Selwyn told you about what’s happening?” says Catherine in the teaser for next week’s episode, before going on to inform Mervin and co that said replacement will be visiting to introduce himself and get the lay of the land.
“Such a cute little place you got going on,” the newcomer says to Selwyn without attempting to hide his disrespect.
Honoré PD has faced numerous hurdles over the years, but Mr Suited and Booted might be their greatest challenge yet.
“It’s very distressing. His life is being turned upside down, but he has to deal with the reality, it’s beyond his control,” Don Warrington previously said of his character’s predicament in an interview with Radio Times magazine.
When it was put to him that fans of the show simply couldn’t imagine the murder mystery series without Selwyn, who has been there from the very first episode, he said: “Well, who knows? Anything can happen in this life.”
And naturally, he also refused to talk about filming the show’s 15th season to preserve the mystery of the ongoing storyline, which means you’ll have to wait ever so patiently (three episodes, to be precise) to find out his fate.
Dᴇᴀᴛʜ in Paradise airs on BBC One on Fridays.