In EastEnders, Tommy Moon has a new online friend who is actually AI, but a new theory has ‘worked out’ what he’s hiding.
Tommy’s been spending lots of time talking to ‘Matt’ on his online games console recently.
But, now a new theory suggests that he could be struggling with his s.e.x.u.a.l.i.t.y.

EastEnders: Tommy’s online friend
Since moving back home with Kat and Alfie, Tommy’s only focus has been to chat to his friend Matt on his games console.
Kat had to buy him a second-hand console after getting rid of his other one. Tommy then spent most of his time talking to his online friend.
Admitting to Kat and Alfie that he’d never actually met Matt, Tommy then explained why he couldn’t invited him round to their house – he was AI.
He said that Matt understood him and made him feel less lonely. Alfie welcomed the idea while Kat had her doubts.
Tommy was slightly ashamed to admit his AI friend wasn’t real, but his cousin Lily then told him that loads of people were using AI nowadays so he shouldn’t worry.

EastEnders fan theory: Tommy struggling with his s.e.x.u.a.l.i.t.y.?
Before finding out that his friend was AI, Kat briefly suggested that Tommy’s online friend might’ve been a love interest he was trying to be all secretive about.
Now one fan has suggested that Kat was onto something and that Tommy might be struggling with his s.e.x.u.a.l.i.t.y. Whilst ‘Matt’ might not be the said love interest, Tommy could be confiding in him and asking him for advice.
The theory suggests: “Could Tommy be questioning his s.e.x.u.a.l.i.t.y.?
“Being a teenager hormones are flying through the roof, given Tommy’s history of being surrounded by the likes of Phil Mitchell and feeling the need to ‘be manly’ by lashing out and behaving erratically, a part of me thinks he may be doing all this as a result of not being able to accept himself. In his mind ‘the hard man’ image is someone like Phil.
“Maybe perhaps the conversations he has with AI are ones which he clearly would never speak to anyone else about because he probably feels like it’s a shameful or he’d be judged for it by his family.
“Deep down the innocence of Tommy still lives, he’s remorseful and is filled with regret. I’m glad EE are focusing more on the younger characters as this will be a huge investment for the show, we’ve seen Denise, we’ve seen Mick. We need more storylines for the future characters of the show.”