Emmerdale child d.e.a.t.h sadness as ashes are scattered
April Windsor (Amelia Flanagan) finally gave herself the opportunity to seek closure in tonight’s Emmerdale, as she scattered the ashes of her stillborn baby girl.
April gave birth to her daughter – later named Rebecca – while homeless. As a result of the traumatic and early labour, April went into hospital, where she was reunited with Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) and Rhona Goskirk (Zoe Henry).
The parents have tiptoed around April in the aftermath of the baby being born, because they could never predict the mood she’d be in when the topic was brought up. Sometimes, Rebecca would be mentioned and April would shut down and not talk about it but other times, she’d make progress by saying that she’d like to register her daughter’s birth.
Ultimately, the main thing that’s stopped April processing being pregnant and giving birth is the fact she is just a child herself. Instead, she tried to distract herself by going back to school, or helping her pal Dylan (Fred Kettle).
But with Dylan now in rehab and Rebecca’s ashes being delivered to the family home, it left April with her baby being the only thing on her mind. At first, April didn’t want to do anything with the ashes, but she then took herself off for a walk, and was later found by her dad.
April explained to Marlon that she wasn’t really sure what to do next and doesn’t feel very strong. A heartbroken Marlon reminded April that anyone would struggle with what she’s gone through, whether they are 15 or not.
Marlon suggested scattering the ashes in the stream and April agreed. She peacefully said her goodbye and hugged her dad.
Back at home, Rhona and Marlon were finding it difficult to juggle looking after April, spending time with Leo, and tending to a crying Ivy. Recognising her parents needed a hand, April decided she would go and see Ivy.
Rhona and Marlon were surprised but afterwards, we saw April crying in her bedroom hugging a teddy, the enormity of what’s she’s been through clearly hitting harder than ever before.
She’s made progress, but things aren’t over for April just yet.