
Emmerdale fans ‘realise’ there’s been another secret m.u.r.d.e.r after Anthony twist

The deaths of Anthony Fox and Nate Robinson on Emmerdale have certainly got the rumour mill spinning, and now fans think someone else has secretly d.i.e.d offscreen

If Emmerdale viewers are correct, then there might have been another secret death on the ITV soap.

Just recently fans saw Ruby Miligan k.i.l.l her abusive father Anthony Fox, leading to a cover-up between a number of villagers. John Sugden disposed of the body before telling them all he’d buried Anthony in the woods under a large tree stump.

Around this twist we found out Nate Robinson had secretly been m.u.r.d.e.r.e.d following last scenes in September last year. His body is laying undiscovered at the bottom of the lake, and only his k.i.l.l.e.r and Amy Wyatt knows he is there.

Amy d.i.e.d before she could tell anyone what she saw, and the soap has yet to officially confirm Nate’s death. A hooded figure was seen watching the lake recently, with nothing revealed about what happened to Nate.

That said we know Nate’s body is under the water, while John is claiming Anthony is buried in the woods. Fans do not believe him though, and they think Anthony is either still alive or buried somewhere else.

Viewers are convinced John would not give away the location so easily after weeks of secrecy, and that he may have said it was under the tree stump to get people off his back. Lying or not, fans think John is right about there being a body in the woods but that it’s someone else.

If Emmerdale viewers are correct, then there might have been another secret death

If Emmerdale viewers are correct, then there might have been another secret death ( Image: ITV)

Viewers think Anthony’s body has been buried somewhere else, but that someone’s body is where he led them all to. So has John k.i.l.l.e.d someone, and if fans are right then who could be buried in the woodlands?

Viewers are unsure, but they certainly don’t believe John’s claims about Anthony. There’s speculation another character past or present has been secretly k.i.l.l.e.d and buried there.

One fan posted online: “I don’t think that’s Anthony’s dead body in the woods I think that it’s someone else’s where Ruby was standing over and crying in Emmerdale. I think that John has his dead body somewhere else.”

Another fan commented: “Spot on,” as a third said: “Yep agree.” A fourth viewer said: “He is definitely not buried there!” Meanwhile, fans are questioning whether Ruby really k.i.l.l.e.d Anthony or whether John, the person who got rid of the body, may be the true k.i.l.l.e.r.

If so and if he is also Nate’s k.i.l.l.e.r, then fans believe he could be the soap’s next serial k.i.l.l.e.r. Viewers have long predicted he’s been hiding something, but who could be at risk in the village?

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