Tyler Perry's Zatima & Sistas

Tyler Perry’s Sistas | Will Penelope Date Robin Out of Spite Towards Andi?

I’ve said it many times before, and I’ll say it again – I’m all for shipping Robin and Penelope. But I do agree with the majority on this one. Instead of rushing into a relationship with Robin, I really hope Penelope listens to Robin’s advice. She needs to get the therapy she deserves, not just to heal from her miscarriage but also to deal with the lingering effects of the medication she was on to help her sleep. I really wish she would take the time to focus on herself first.

This is something we’ve been saying about the other sisters too. Rather than jumping from one relationship to another, these ladies need to take a step back. They need time to focus on their mental, emotional, and spiritual healing before diving into anything else.

But here’s a question that’s been on my mind: Could Penelope’s inquiry into Robin’s connection with Andy be more than just curiosity? Some people wonder if Penelope might attempt to seduce Robin, possibly as a way to get back at Andy. I think it’s more about vulnerability than revenge. Remember, she and Agent Watt were close, even though they never became intimate.

Let’s be real – Robin has kind of been her knight in shining armor. He’s done two huge things for her: first, he got her out of jail, and second, he helped get the confession thrown out. On top of that, he proved himself to be a true ally, especially at a time when Penelope was questioning everyone and everything related to Andy.

If Robin opens up about his backstory with Andy, Penelope might find some kind of kinship with him. After all, he’s another person who’s been hurt by Andy, and she may see him as yet another victim of her manipulation. And remember, Hudson also mentioned that Andy is “poison,” something that could resonate with Penelope’s experience.

Now, could Penelope be drawn to Robin? It’s possible. Either because she genuinely feels attracted to him or as a twisted form of revenge against Andy. She might see it as a way to get back at the woman who tried to get her out of the picture, especially considering the whole Gary situation.

When Penelope explained herself to Jordan and Robin, it was clear why they were skeptical. After all, they had every reason to think she was lying to save herself. So, how do you think Penelope will react when she learns about the connection between Andy and Robin? She says in the promo, “I’m not in Andy’s head, but I can tell she’s still in your heart.” What does that really mean?

Let me know what you think, and don’t forget to like and subscribe. I’ll catch you in the next video!

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